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Prevention of Hazing, Harassment , Bullying & Title IX

Hazing, Harassment, Bullying, and Title IX

Every member of our school community  has the right to a safe and healthy learning environment. Hazing, harassment and bullying can significantly impact the environment at school and the ability of students to learn, and our schools are obligated to take steps to prevent such behaviors, and to respond if they occur. If you have concerns that a child you know has experienced bullying, please reach out to your child's teacher or any of the designated employees listed below. 

The following employees of the Washington Central Unified Union School District have been designated by the District to receive complaints of bullying and/or harassment pursuant to this policy and 16 V.S.A₴ 570c (7) and under Federal anti-discrimination laws: 

Designated employees in WCUUSD

  • District: Jennifer Miller-Arsenault
  • Berlin: Celia Guggemos,  Jessica Heinz, Tyler Smith
  • Calais: Jarrod Weiss, Ruth Frisenda, and  Maryellen Munday 
  • Doty: Gillian Fuqua and Maureen McDermett
  • East Montpelier: Alicia Lyford, Mary Beth Langevin, and Michael Sherwin
  • Rumney: Karoline May, Sharon Spector
  • U-32 : Amy Molina,  JB Hilferty, Tony Snow 

 WCUUSD  schools are committed to a safe and healthy learning environment free from sexual harassment. Per Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 ("Title IX") WCUUSD does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities. All forms of sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, are prohibited in WCUUSD. If you are concerned about or have knowledge of a possible instance of sexual harassment or sex-based discrimination, please contact WCUUSD's Title IX Coordinator, Julia Pritchard