Free and Reduced Lunch Application
(Click on the above link for the paper application or on the link below to use the online form)
Children need healthy meals to learn. All WCUUSD schools offer free healthy meals every school day. It is still very important for families to submit the Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals to track our community’s Free and Reduced Percentage. Filling out and returning the application may help your family, the school, and community at large, qualify for other financial assistance. P-EBT benefits to your household, grant funds for the school, and telecom reimbursements for the community are just a few examples of the benefits of having higher Free and Reduced percentages.
You can apply online through Campus Parent https://wcsu32vt. portal/washington.jsp. When you log into the new Campus Parent go down to more and select meal benefits to start the online application. You may also print and fill out the attached application and return it to your school. The instructions can be found below and applications will be sent home at the beginning of the school year as well.